Dean's Photos


Dean Felty
(Left ReZist December 13, 2008)

Dean - Drums & Vocals

Dean Felty started singing gospel music solos on AM radio at age six, became grammar schools youngest bank deposit/pickup boy, and logged deposits for students whose parents entrusted the bank, thus enabling him to purchase his first real drum set at age nine. Dean grew up in Lebanon, P.A. Played drums in old folks homes, accompanying his mother and sister, piano/organists and accordion players. He played his first club at age thirteen, playing and singing Whiter Shades of Pale, with his brother's band "Devil Worship"["Something to do with my mom I guess", he says]  He moved to Florida at age sixteen and auditioned for E.T. Smith, six months later, and won the Jr. Division talent show at the State Fair. He has been with Hawgfat and Slickwilly in Southwest Florida all his life, as he says.  Dean states, "I have realized, when I grow up I want to be just like me."


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